Monday 22nd January 2013.
Leyland St Andrews No. 7392
 Incorporating Coppull Lodge No 4232
Jim Thorpe P.Pr.S.G.W. Celebrates 60 years in the Craft
On a cold winter nights, with snow and ice on the
ground the members of Leyland St Andrews Craft
Lodge No 7392 gathered with their many guests
to witness a ceremony which would celebrate a
magnificent sixty year in Craft masonry, of
W.Bro. James Irvine Thorpe.
The Assistant Grand Master for the Group,
Ray Martland took charge of the gavel and delivered
a heartfelt andsincere history from the point of Jim's
birth some 86 yrs ago.
Right: Asst Pr.G.M. Ray Martland with the celebrant
W.Bro. James Irvine Thorpe, P.Pr.G.S.W.
Left: W.Bro. Peter Connolly, P.G.J.D. PGM in the Mark
again with Jim Thorpe
No stone was left unturned, from sibling rivalry down
to Jim's extensive knowledge of machine tools.
So highly regarded is Jim in the Mark and RAM as
well as in the Craft and Royal Arch, that many high
ranking officers in those degrees attended to watch
the ceremony and congratulate jim on his
magnificent achievement.
During the ceremony W.Bro. Fred Jolly, WM,
presented Jim with a Crystal decanter suitably
inscribed and a lapel badge to mark the 60 years.
Following a delightful meal, W.Bro. Geoff Thomas PAGDC presented Jim with a bottle of Single Malt to
'test the decanter'.
We will all be watching closely for other anniversaries which must be due very shortly Jim!
Article by Mike Beesley, Photographs courtesy of Peter Connolly